Keswick Pocket Park Groundbreaking Ceremony

🌳🎉 On November 13, 2024 our Neighborhood Council alongside Councilmember Krekorian and the Department of Recreation and Parks convened for the Keswick Pocket Park Groundbreaking Ceremony, where we enthusiastically announced the grand opening of Keswick Pocket Park! This beautiful new green space is the result of a collaborative effort between Councilmember Paul Krekorian and his CD2 team, the Department of Recreation and Parks, and our dedicated Board members at NHNENC. While the park is not open, it will be fully completed and launched in about six months—by spring 2025! Green spaces like Keswick Pocket Park are essential for our community, providing a place to gather, play, and connect with nature. We look forward to seeing you at the park and making it a special place for all!

(All the photos were taken by JuanCarlos Chan, City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks Photographer)

At the Groundbreaking Ceremony, remarks were given by Councilmember Paul Krekorian, Department of Recreation and Parks Assistant General Manager Catherine Domingo, LAPD Officers from the North Hollywood and Foothill Division, and our Board President Zaid Diaz-Arias. Below are some comments given by President Diaz-Arias:

“Good morning, everyone! It’s a pleasure to be here as we celebrate the grand opening of Keswick Pocket Park in North Hollywood.

As President of the North Hollywood Northeast Neighborhood Council, I’m proud to represent our community on this special day. Today, we’re celebrating more than just a new park—we’re celebrating the commitment and dedication of our Councilmember and the incredible team at Council District 2. Their unwavering efforts to bring more green space to our ‘park-poor’ community have made this moment possible.

The vision for this park began before 2016, and a formal motion was approved by City Council in April 2020. Despite delays caused by the pandemic, CD2 never wavered in their mission to transform this once-unused city property into a vibrant space for everyone to enjoy. Just under a year ago, the Mayor approved the land transfer to the Department of Recreation and Parks, and today, we’re seeing that vision come to life.

Keswick Pocket Park is more than just a park; it’s a new place for families to gather, friends to connect, and our community to thrive. This space represents resilience, dedication, and the power of community-driven change.

Thank you to everyone who helped bring this project to completion. Here’s to many years of joy and connection at Keswick Pocket Park. Thank you!”

Board Approves Statement in Support of Commission on Lived Experience With Homelessness

The North Hollywood Northeast Neighborhood Council hereby adds its unmitigated support for Council File 19-1020 to the numerous Community Impact Statements submitted by several neighborhood councils throughout greater Los Angeles. These NCs include Hollywood United, Winnetka, Palms, North Westwood, Mid-City, Reseda, and Sherman Oaks, to date. We feel the establishment of a Commission on Lived Experience with Homelessness (CLEH)* is nothing short of necessary.

Learn more by reading our Community Impact Statement on Council File 19-1020 (October 16, 2024) and submit your own Public Comment by visiting

Town Hall

Concerned about crime in NoHo? On March 23, 6pm we held a Town Hall on crime in North Hollywood with Police Commissioner William Briggs, Police Captain Hamed Mohammadi, Valley Bureau Deputy Chief Alan Hamilton and City Councilmember Paul Krekorian. You can watch the meeting recorded on Zoom here at your convenience.

Criminals Target Catalytic Converters

The City of Los Angeles is seeing an increasing number of catalytic converters stolen out of vehicles, especially Priuses. Consider getting a cage as a preventative measure, and join us at our April meeting to discuss what we can do as a community to protect against theft and to speak to City officials about help they may provide.

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