Empower Hands

At our August 2021 Meeting the North Hollywood North East Neighborhood Council took exception to the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment’s (DONE) proposed changes to the Code of Conduct and issued a Resolution to the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners against the proposed changes.

The Resolution described the amendments to the Code of Conduct Policy as extreme, anti-democratic and un-American.

The offending amendments would allow the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment’s General Manager to act on her own to suspend for 90 days a Neighborhood Council Member who is alleged to have violated the City’s Workplace Equity Policy or Commission’s Code of Conduct.

The concerns include:

  • Lack of due process and presumption of innocence
  • DONE would be the sole decision maker, without opportunity for appeal
  • Disenfranchisement of voters

The Resolution made further recommendations for alternate actions to take on the topic of Workplace Violence. Read the Resolution here: 2021-08 Resolution on Workplace Violence and Code of Conduct Policy Amendments

For more perspectives on the issue, view Bob Gelfand’s article in CityWatchLA

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