Sewer alignment on Victory

On behalf of the City of Los Angeles, we are informing you of the availability of a Draft EIR for the East West Valley Interceptor Sewer (EWVIS) Project. The Project is a new force main sewer in Victory Boulevard between Vineland Avenue and Haskell Street. The Draft EIR is available for public review, and comments will be accepted through July 29th. The Draft EIR is available at:

The Draft EIR can also be viewed at the Valley Plaza Library, 12311 Vanowen Street, as well as the Council District 2 Office (5240 N. Lankershim Boulevard, Ste 200) and Council District 6 Office (14410 Sylvan Street, Suite 215).

The City will be holding a public meeting on the Draft EIR for EWVIS at the Marvin Braude Constituent Center on Thursday July 11, 2019 from 6:00-7:30 PM and welcomes your attendance.

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