
NORTH HOLLYWOOD – August 9, 2017, Councilmember Krekorian joined Costco CEO W. Craig Jelinek to celebrate the opening of Costco’s first Business Center in Los Angeles, located in North Hollywood. Krekorian’s office worked closely with Costco for two years to help them navigate the city’s planning process and open their doors for business in the Valley.

The new Costco is situated on a site that formerly housed an underused warehouse and a vacant office building. It caters to customers who run professional offices, convenience stores and restaurants, although all Costco members are welcome to shop there and take advantage of the food court.

“This is an incredible addition to our San Fernando Valley business community,” said Councilmember Krekorian, chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Job Creation. “In addition to creating 400 good jobs, the new Costco Business Center will generate hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in sales tax revenue that will go toward improving our neighborhoods, schools and transportation network.”

Read Daily News Article on the Opening.

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